Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 213 - Wisdom

This verse seemed so fitting for me tonight. As I've been watching the Olympics as much as possible over the last four days, it's obvious that everyone is striving for the gold. I've seen many tears already due to only receiving silver.

Tonight in our small group, we discussed wisdom. Sometimes wisdom seems more elusive than the gold medal in the Olympics! And yet how much more valuable wisdom is than gold or silver. So thankful for the bits of wisdom God has given to me... and praying for more!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 212 - Icees

We stopped by Target today for a few things, and Roy wanted to make me smile. So he bought me an Icee. These are one of my favorite treats that I don't get very often. It was super yummy. I didn't have my camera, so I took a picture with my phone. Can you tell I don't have a smartphone? Yeah. :) It's ok. I'm still thankful for my Icee.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 211 - M&Ms

What better to do with a big bag of M&Ms than make M&M cookies!?! :) Love these colorful candies!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 210 - The Sun

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; 
No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Psalm 84.11

The sun gives light. Warmth. Just a glimmer of its light penetrates the darkness and makes it disappear. It's blazing. Bright. Overwhelming. Beautiful.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 209 - The Olympics

Watching the Opening Ceremonies. I honestly enjoy the events way more, but it was cool to see the countries and the torch lighting! Excited that another Olympics is here, and I can actually watch some of it! I can't remember the last time I was able to watch the Olympics!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 208 - Kisses

We bought this cute little wall hanging on our anniversary trip to Nashville, Indiana this June. We are looking forward to hanging it somewhere prominent when we get our own place to remind us each day and night to show each other how much we love each other with a kiss. It's already become a saying we enjoy using!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 207 - Christmas Countdowns

Happy Five Months 'til Christmas!!!

Before you think I'm crazy, let me explain. In my family, my mom and I have a contest each month on the 25th to see who can wish the other person a "happy ____ months 'til Christmas" before the other person does. Today, we woke up to find this cake on the counter! It's just a fun thing we enjoy together, and it makes me excited to think how soon Christmas will be here! That means Thanksgiving is only FOUR months away!!! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 206 - Courage

Last night, Roy and I stayed up late and watched Courageous. I definitely thought the quality was better than Fireproof, and the story was moving. It was challenging and encouraging to see a story about men who are willing to lead their families and to live with integrity. These are qualities so often missing in our culture today. Thankful for people willing to make movies that speak the truth!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 205 - Fresh Mango

I actually received a coupon for mangoes, which is awesome! Add that to a sale, and we got a couple of mangoes for cheap! I cut one up tonight to have with our Mexican casserole and chips. When a mango is just right, it is one of my favorite fruits. So delicious!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 204 - Toilet Paper

Maybe a weird thing to post, but I really am thankful for it! Plus, I figure if it's worthy of having my biggest pet peeve fashioned after it, it's worthy posting on my blog! I can't stand it when toilet paper is put on backwards! If I'm at your house and it's on wrong, I WILL change it :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 203 - Potpourri

I love good smelling potpourri. There's something about arranging fun looking, lovely scented potpourri in a nice bowl or vase that makes me smile :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 202 - Coupons

I'm not sure how I made it past day 200 without being thankful for coupons! But I'm glad I did because I needed something to post for today :)

I keep my coupons organized in a labeled file folder. They go in card sheets (like the plastic sheets you put baseball cards in) and then into the appropriate pocket. I'm so thankful for all the money we save by using coupons!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 201 - Reminiscing

Good memories are wonderful, aren't they? I love looking back and reliving good days we've had in the past. For a long time, this picture was the only one I had of Roy. I took it on my cell phone on our first date back in May of 2007. We went to breakfast and then played mini golf at Udders and Putters at Young's Jersey Dairy. Many nights I would set my phone alarm, click over to look at this cute boy's face, and go to sleep. Now I just have to open my eyes and see his cute face :)

So thankful for all the memories we've made and all the ones still to come.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 200(!) - Rainier Cherries

I'm not a girl who likes a cherry on my ice cream. Those things are kinda gross. When Roy gets them in his cherry coke and their soaked in grenadine, sometimes I'll indulge, but it's mostly for the grenadine.

But Rainier cherries are a different story. They're usually priced around $5-$7 a pound, so they're a rare treat. But when I saw them on sale last week for $2.99/lb, I was so excited! I only got a small bag, probably twenty cherries or so. Just a little taste of heaven. Sweet. Tangy. Colorful! Just right :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 199 - Excedrin

I am so thankful for this medication. I get headaches fairly often. Lately, they haven't been so bad, which is great. Last night, however, it was horrible. In those times, I'm so grateful for this medicine and my ice pack! It really helps (even if the caffeine in it keeps me up at night!)!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 198 - Cookie Dough

Cookie dough is one of my big weaknesses... and tonight I gave in! But just a little bit :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 196 - Our Cars

I'm so grateful that we have two cars that are (as of last week!) paid off! I enjoy their bright colors, their great gas mileage, and their reliability (Hondas and Toyotas are great!).

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 195 - Mini Golf

Roy and I enjoyed a date night tonight, and part of that was some mini golf! We had a buy one get one coupon, which made it all the sweeter. Neither of us played very well. I think we're a bit rusty! Regardless, we had a great time just hanging out and having fun together!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 194 - My Bass

When I was in high school, I wanted to be in jazz band. Badly. My band director didn't really want to pull me in as a flute player, but he did need a bassist. So he gave me a bass guitar and told me to go home and learn it. I did, and I loved it. I played the last two years of high school and all throughout college in their jazz band. I also was able to play in chapel on a regular occasion. Once I graduated and got married, I didn't have many chances to play. But my chances have returned! I'm playing it right now in several capacities, and I'm so grateful for that! It's a lot of fun!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 193 - Savings Bonds (and no more car payments!)

When we visited Roy's parents last week, they gave him some savings bonds he'd been given when he was born. They had almost doubled in worth! We will have to pay some taxes on the interest come next April (I think the government has a way to ruin most everything!), but it shouldn't be too much. Regardless, we used some of it to pay off the rest of our car payment. Both of our cars are completely paid off! And they're great cars. Barring any accidents, we should have these two for many years. So grateful for God's surprising provision through these bonds!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 192 - God's Goodness

The book we're going through in our life group discusses how God wants us to see Him, and tonight we talked about His goodness. He is so good to me! Even in this time where things don't seem to be working out how I would want them to, I see daily how good He is. He is blessing me, providing for me, and giving me more than I need just to bring me joy.

Thank you, Lord, for your goodness!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 191 - Graeter's Buckeye Blitz

Graeter's ice cream, based out of Cincinnati, OH, is one of my favorites! They are the only ice cream place in the world to still use the French Pot process. It's a slow, labor-intensive process. But it's so worth it! The ice cream is so dense that they have to hand pack every pint, and a pint of their ice cream weighs almost double the weight of normal ice cream!

My favorite flavor is Buckeye Blitz. Chocolate, peanut butter cookie dough, and chocolate chips. Sooo good...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 190 - Leaving the Nest

These little barn swallows nesting above the garage are ready to head out on their own. They are leaving their nest, entering this big world and all that it faces. I loved watching them perched here, waiting for mom to return with some food, knowing that in the next day they would be gone.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 189 - Ikea Finds

One of my favorite stores is Ikea. They have some fun stuff, some strange stuff, some really expensive stuff, and some awesome sweet deals! Today we picked up a cactus, a pot, and a watering can all for $3.47. And my mom, who we went with, was nice enough to buy it for us :) We enjoyed looking at all their fun stuff!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 188 - Fun Scarves

Not that I've been able to wear them lately with this 100 degree weather in Ohio! But I am thankful for fun scarves, especially the "fashion" ones as opposed to the "keep me warm" ones :) I figured maybe thinking of scarves will make me feel cool... can't hurt to try!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 187 - Reflections

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. 
Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13.12

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 185 - My ipod

So glad to have this, especially on long drives (like our 9 hour one back from PA today!). Great to mix up my music and have my Adventures in Odysseys all together!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 184 - Trust

I love this verse, and I'm hanging onto it right now. I'm thankful for One who is trustworthy and never fails me.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 183 - Railroad Tracks

Something about railroad tracks makes me want to just follow them to see where they go! It's just a bunch of wood and metal, but it signifies a journey.