Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 335 - Awake - Youth Retreat

This weekend was our first youth retreat. We had a great time discussing being awake to life and dead to sin.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 334 - The Lord is my shepherd...

This is one of the best known passages in all of Scripture. It has come to mean much to me over the years. When I read it, I of course think of my Savior, my Shepherd. I think of all that the verses mean and the implications they have for my life.

But I also think of sweet Frances, who although her mind was no longer working well, could still recite this psalm with me word for word. I think of the youtube hit of the sweet girl reciting this psalm to her daddy, constantly thinking the next line starts with "surely." I think of the comfort this psalm has brought to so many saints throughout the centuries. And I'm grateful.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 333 - Nativity Scene

I love our Nativity. We have all the pieces that go with it, but I thought I'd focus in on the family of three in the center. Setting up the Nativity has always been one of my favorite things to do ever since I was a young child. And it still is. I love thinking through the story. Imagining the lives of the different characters. Smiling at the lambs. Thinking about riding a donkey. Admiring the gifts from the wisemen. Setting the angel up above it all to watch and proclaim the good news. And then taking in this baby boy who came into the world to take away my sin. So blessed.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 332 - Christmas Tree Lights

I could just sit and stare at Christmas lights for hours. I love them on the tree, filling the room with a warm glow, illuminating the memories surrounding them in the ornaments from years past. Peaceful and serene.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 331 - Rudolph Movie Night

Eating homemade soup and snuggling on the couch was the perfect way to enjoy one of my favorite movies from my childhood - the classic Rudolph!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 330 - Decorating the Tree!

Roy and I decorated our Christmas tree today! Definitely one of my favorite things to do at Christmastime!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 329 - Scenic Drives

On our drive back to Ohio today, we enjoyed some beautiful scenery, including SNOW! It was really pretty. I didn't get any snow pictures, but the one below was the sky right before we got to the snow.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 328 - Skylines

While I'm a country girl at heart and rolling hills and corn fields are really what make me feel at home, I do love city skylines as well. I especially enjoy uniquely shaped buildings that so many cities have to offer!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 327 - Thanksgiving

I could say that I'm thankful for a day to give thanks, but that seems somewhat redundant :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 326 - The Registrar's Office

I enjoyed decorating our office today with all of my coworkers! We got to take a picture together in front of the fun decorations upstairs at school. Thankful for such great coworkers in the Registrar's Office!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 325 - Awesome Living Social Deals

Two hours of bowling for up to six people including their shoe rentals - $15!
Discount coupon sent to email - $10 off!

Final price - $5!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 323 - C.S. Lewis Quotes

Found this note card while cleaning out my Bible case this evening. Great reminder from a great man of God. I'm grateful for C.S. Lewis quotes, which challenge, encourage, and inspire me.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 322 - Then and Now: Sunny

I love this puppy. I've loved her since we got her back in 1998, which is when the first picture was taken. Over 14 years later, and we've all changed a bit :) It's fun to see the "then and now" for all three of us.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 321 - Having Friends Over!

Our good friends came over tonight to celebrate Roy's birthday this evening. It was so nice to spend time with them and celebrate!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 320 - Happy Birthday, Roy!

Happy birthday to my best friend! Roy is 27 today. We enjoyed going out to dinner at PF Chang's, stopping by Bill's donuts for a quick treat, and opening his gifts. I wish we could have spent all day together, but we had a great evening and we're looking forward to continuing the celebrating tomorrow with some friends!

I love you, Roy! I'm so blessed by you every day, and I pray that this next year of your life is filled with joy.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 319 - Proverbs 31 Woman

I love this passage in Proverbs 31 about the excellent wife. It's been such a challenge and encouragement to me as I strive to serve God and love Roy to my best ability!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 318 - Birthday Weeks

I love birthday weeks! With all the busyness these days, it's more fun to spread things out over a week instead of just one day! This is Roy's birthday week. We kicked off by having cake and gifts with my mom and grandma. We've also had some us time, relaxing and playing Parcheesi! Looking forward to continuing to celebrate him throughout this week!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 317 - The Rodale Whole Foods Cookbook

In our efforts to eat more whole foods, we checked out this cookbook from the library. I'd taken a look at it online, and it looked promising. Over 1400 recipes! There's gotta be something good in there, right? Well, there is!

We've tried a few things from it so far, mostly with success. Tonight we tried Roasted Feta-stuffed Chicken Breasts. Oh. My. Yum. It was possibly the best chicken either of us had ever had. Roy had found these massive chicken breasts, so I saved half of mine for lunch tomorrow! I will be looking forward to it all morning :)

We're thankful for some great ideas for whole food cooking, and some definite "do-again's" as we call them!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 316 - Being Appreciated

Today the pastors of the church were called up to be recognized and thanked for all they do. They were each given a jar full of notes of encouragement from the church members as well as some nice gift cards! We got home from church and read through each note together. How awesome! We're so thankful for everyone's encouragement and kind words. I was pretty excited about the gift card to P.F. Chang's as well, because that's where we're going on Thursday for Roy's birthday! Now we don't even have to pay for it!! It just reminded me yet again how God's provision is so perfect. And Roy loved that their gift card bag comes with two fortune cookies, which of course we ate right then :) As if that weren't enough to remind me of God's goodness, my fortune even read, "The best times of your life have not yet been lived." Not that I put any stock in fortune cookies, but how true! So grateful to see my husband be appreciated and to get to serve along side him at this wonderful church!

50 days left to go!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 315 -Praise Orchestra Concert

Tonight, the praise orchestra I play with had a concert entitled "Water Music." We played the famous piece by Handel as well as many other pieces having to do with water, such as "Come Thou Fount," " The River is Here," "Shall We Gather at the River"... you get the idea!

I enjoy playing with this group a lot! I'm so grateful for an opportunity to use the musical gifts God's given me and play with an awesome group! The fact that the director is one whom I played under for many years as well as a good friend doesn't hurt either! :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 314 - Engagement Photos

While we had seen some of our engagement pictures, I got the cd today with a bunch more on them! Amazing to see 3 1/2 years back and think how much we've changed since then. God's taught us so much!

This is one of my favorites:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 313 - Operation Christmas Child

Tonight we went shopping for our Operation Christmas Child box. We decided to do a boy between ages 5-9. It was fun shopping for him! I wish the boxes were bigger. That's the only sad part! But I stuffed it all in there, and a rubber band will do the trick :)

The best part about this ministry is these kids will get to hear the gospel in their language, possibly for the first time. They also have the option now to track your box if you pay online, which is so cool! Last year our box went to Mexico. I'm excited to see where it goes this year! And I pray that this little boy enjoys both his material gifts as well as understands and accepts the greatest gift of all - Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 312 - Turkey Hill Natural Ice Cream

We've been making an intentional effort lately to eat better. And we're not just talking about counting calories or getting the right amount of each food group. We're striving to eat whole foods. Less processed. Fewer ingredients that you can't pronounce. We aren't completely sold out to this. It's just a guideline as we buy and prepare food. A move in the right direction.

So we found this ice cream from Turkey Hill. Short list of ingredients. All of them are items I can pronounce and would use in my own cooking! Score! And it's quite delicious!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 311 - Voting

I'm grateful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to vote. And that my state has cool stickers :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 310 - Online Surveys

Ok, I didn't really want to do two pictures of my computer screen in a row, but this one just made me laugh so much that I couldn't help it! I was taking an online survey which gives me points that can go toward gift cards. Pretty awesome! Definitely thankful for that! But then this question was just so priceless. I'm like, YES! Where is this job?!?! :) 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 309 - Daylight Savings

While I don't love the thought of it being dark when I get home from work tomorrow, I really did enjoy that extra hour of sleep last night!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 308 - My Bear

I got this stuffed animal as a gift from my brother many years ago. Over the years, its name became "My Bear." It has kept a special place in my heart, even as I've grown up. And it's perfect for keeping me warm if I'm really cold at night, so I try to keep it within reach of the bed, just in case :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 307 - Student Plays

We got to enjoy a middle school play tonight that one of our youth group girls was in. It was cute! We had a good time, and we were glad we got to be there to see and support her!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 306 - Homemade Cinnamon Pecan Bread

We just cut into it and are enjoying a snack before bed :) Yum! Thankful (as many times before!) for a husband who bakes yummy bread!