Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 366 - The End of the Year!

1 second 'til the New Year! Happy New Year everyone! We had a great evening hanging out with some friends, enjoying good food and fun. Ready for the start of 2013 and excited to see what it brings!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 365 - Ornaments

One of my favorite things about Christmas decorations is the ornaments! So many of our ornaments have memories associated with them from my childhood, and now Roy and I are starting our own collection, too!

Here are a few of my faves:
1. Cute snowmen couple I gave to Roy a couple years ago.
2. Two snowmen Roy has given to me: the one on the left was the year we were engaged and the one on the right was from this year!
3. This little cross-stitched ornament was hung on my incubator when I was born (which just happened to be on Christmas!).
4. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus Willow Tree ornament. I love the simplicity and beauty of the Willow Tree series.
5. Little People Farm - my brother gave me this a few years ago. Little People were my favorite as a kid! I had the farmhouse, so this definitely brought back some memories. Best part - when you open the barn door, it moos like a cow!
6. Pink Snowman!!! This is the ornament that always gets me super excited and makes Roy laugh cuz he thinks I'm silly :) And I am! I got this one at Winterfest at Kings Island the Christmas I turned 6. It's always been a favorite!
7. The blinking Santa and Rudolph. Another one of my childhood that makes me smile :)

There are so many more. I could post lots of them! But these are just a few of the memories that hang on our tree this Christmas!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 364 - Jammin' on the Bass

Tonight was our Praise Orchestra's Christmas Concert. All the music we played was Mannheim Steamroller music! It was quite fun, especially all the cool bass parts!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 363 - Baking with Roy: Homemade Bagels!

This morning, Roy and I made homemade bagels for the first time! He'd put together the dough on Wednesday, so today we boiled them, topped them, and baked them. It was so fun! They were quite delicious, too!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 362 - Date Night: The Polar Express & More

One of my favorite books as a child was The Polar Express. My dad and I would read it together every year. Tonight, Roy and I had a great time just hanging out. We went to Panera (love these Christmas gift cards!), sat in a booth by the fire, ate our yummy food, and played some games. I also enjoyed a ginger peach tea, which was delightful :) We stopped by Target to get some popcorn, and then we came home to enjoy watching one of my favorite Christmas movies. It was quite a wonderful evening!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 361 - Snow!!!

We finally had our first good snow today! This is our apartment complex lit up tonight with the grass all covered in white. Beautiful!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 360 - Christmas

Today is my favorite day on the calendar every year - Christmas day. There are so many reasons I love this day, but the main one is the reason above all reasons that we celebrate this day. Jesus. God became man, put on flesh, and changed the world. It's not the presents, the lights, the music. It's not even family and friends. We celebrate Christ. He is the ultimate gift, the One who makes life worth living.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 359 - Christmas Eve!

I know it's supposed to be a picture a day, but sometimes it's just too hard to decide! Tonight we celebrated Christmas with my mom and brother. We had a really nice time together :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 358 - All Dressed Up!

I love getting to see my handsome man in a tie! :) So fun to get dressed up and go out!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 357 - Christmas with Roy's Family

We had a lot of fun today with Roy's family having our Christmas together! We got a new camera (!!!), which we used to take these pictures! So excited! Now off to dinner!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 356 - Our Christmas Card

I really like our Christmas cards this year! Super cute :) I got them on a great deal, which is always good too!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 355 - In Touch

I always look forward to this little magazine coming in the mail. The articles never cease to challenge me and encourage my heart!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 353 - Free Birthday Drink

Started my day with my free Starbucks drink for my birthday - a grande peppermint hot chocolate! Thanks, Starbucks!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 352 - Christmas Cards

I love checking the mail this time of year to see what Christmas cards we've received! I love seeing how our friends grow and change, and I enjoy reading their words to us each year. Thank you if you sent us a card!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 350 - Youth Group Christmas Party

Tonight was our Youth Group Christmas Party! We started off with some Minute-to-Win-It Christmas games. Jason, one of our leaders, totally rocked the "Get-the-cookie-from-your-forehead-to-your-mouth-with-no-hands" game. We had a lot of fun with our awesome students!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 349 - No More Death

I had a different picture in mind for today, but after the events in Connecticut, this seemed more fitting. My heart broke when I heard the news today. My eyes had a hard time holding back tears. I love. love. love. this promise. No more tears. No more pain. NO MORE DEATH! Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Longing for heaven and thankful for it is coming.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 346 - Funny E-Cards

This e-card is hilariously awesome. I've had a lot of fun with it! It has all sorts of dances with different backgrounds to fun music. You can put in anyone's head from your computer or facebook (if they allow their pics to be shared). See my full card here: Go there to make your own for free too!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 345 - Cookies for Santa

As a child, I loved putting out cookies and milk for Santa. I always included a carrot for Rudolph, too :)

We decided that Santa wanted to come early this year, so we made his cookies tonight! Mmmm, chocolate chocolate chip cookies!

Quote of the night: "The best part of being an adult is you get to eat Santa's cookies!"

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 344 - Lost and Found

Last night I couldn't find my keys. Considering our place was kind of messy, I figured I'd set them down somewhere and they'd been covered up by something. But then, after putting things away, making the bed, checking underneath the couch and chairs, looking in jacket pockets, and peeking under the car seats, I started to worry.

Today was supposed to be the day that begins my rest. After a couple crazy weeks, the two weeks ahead look pretty tame. Not too much going on. Free evenings to cook good meals, finish some shopping, wrap gifts, sit with Roy and stare at the tree, watch some Christmas movies, spend time in our Christmas devotions, and just relax. It wasn't supposed to be a stressful day! And my worry grew.

What if my keys are lost? What if they got thrown away at the party on Friday? How much will that cost to replace? Cars, church, apartment, work, mail... yikes... Please, Lord, help my find my keys. Let me check my purse again...

And for the fourth time, I checked my purse. And wouldn't you know, there they were. Tucked away in a little interior pocket, hidden from my prying eyes. How I missed them when I dumped everything else out, how I didn't feel them (considering there are like 10 keys on there!), is beyond me. But they are found!

And, like the verse above, I celebrated! God uses these moments to keep growing me and teaching me.  

Trust me, He says. I know exactly where they are. I know exactly what will happen. Let not your heart be troubled. Do not be anxious about anything. With prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, come to me. Tell me your heart's desires. Your worries and fears. I will give you peace beyond all comprehension.

Today He reminded me of all this. And He reminded me that I too was once lost, but now I'm found. Found in His arms for eternity.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 342 - My Love Language

Tonight we had our youth girls monthly meeting. We hosted at our place, so I kicked Roy out for the evening :) He stopped by Kohl's to use a $10 off anything coupon that expires tomorrow. After finding a gift for a family member, he got me this adorable ornament! Gifts is definitely a big love language to me, and seeing as money isn't something we have a lot of, it's rare that he gets to buy me something just for fun. I love this little bear ornament, and it will always hold a special place in my heart because he bought it just to show me that he loves me. And that means more than any gift ever could.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 341 - Our Stockings

I love our adorable stockings! I made the snowman for Roy the year we were engaged. I filled it with gifts and took it down to him when I flew down Christmas night to visit. I made the reindeer one for myself the year we got married. I used to have an awesome stocking that I was given at the hospital when I was born, but a mouse got into the Christmas stuff at my parents' house, so it was destroyed. It's too bad, too, cuz that stocking was huge :) But I'm grateful for our cute homemade, matching stockings now! Can't wait to fill yours with gifts, Roy! :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 340 - For a child will be born...

Loving this time of year! He is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 339 - BRAVO! Copycat Dipping Oil

Roy made some homemade bread today, and he decided to make some dipping oil to go with it. Our favorite is from one of my absolute favorite restaurants - BRAVO! He found a copycat recipe online, and we gave it a try. So good! It tasted almost exactly like the oil at the restaurant!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 338 - My Phone Isn't Dead!

My phone had a meeting with the stream this weekend at our youth retreat. Following the joys of a super bouncy bridge, out of my pocket it flew into the water beneath. It came apart on the way in, which may have helped to save it honestly. We used sticks to fish out the three parts that had settled into the dirt. I let it sit to dry overnight Saturday and put it in rice last night. Other than a little inside condensation when the screen stays on for extended periods, it seems to be working fine! Praise God! So grateful that I don't have to stress about finding another phone right now!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 337 - Christmas Music Faves

I love pulling out all of my Christmas cds, of which these are just a handful, and enjoying some of my favorite Christmas carols and hymns!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 336 - A Leap of Faith

We did one of the high ropes options on the youth retreat, which was climbing a pole that was 30 or so feet high, standing on top of it, and jumping out to grab a trapeze bar. Scary, but fun!