Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58 - Purple Martins (and answered prayers...)

This morning was a rough morning. I was feeling discouraged. I had to make a trip to Walmart for work to buy some supplies. As I was walking to another building to get the credit card, I looked over at the many purple martin houses in the field by the road. I thought to myself, "How cool would it be to see some martins? I bet they'll be here pretty soon... boy, that would make my day!"

Yes, I know, they're just birds. But I really like birds. A lot. So it would make my day.

But alas, no purple martins. I got the credit card, and I left for Walmart. I came back about 30 minutes later. As I drove into the lot, I glanced up and saw some birds flying around the houses. Dark birds. Not the usual sparrow that would make its perch there. And then in the sky, acrobatics! Martins? No way...

But it was! There were four or five purple martins that arrived during my shopping trip. And although some may find it coincidental, I know it was my Father reminding me that He hears me, He loves me, and I just need to keep hanging on to Him.

So today, I'm thankful for the purple martins.

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